Home automation and smart home technology are brilliant for making life easier and more entertaining. For many people, a smart home is about making different aspects of everyday home life more convenient, ensuring that mundane tasks like turning lights on and off, or setting heating systems to the perfect temperature can be taken care of from a smartphone. Whilst convenience is certainly an important benefit of a smart home, smart home security helps to keep your property secure and your family feeling safe.

In recent years, smart home security has become increasingly more sophisticated, providing higher levels of security, whilst also being increasingly user friendly. So what are the key advantages of investing in a smart security system and why should you be investing in new home security technology?

Remote access and monitoring

The biggest flaw of traditional security systems is that they are suspect to human error. How many times have you left home and had a strange feeling you forgot to lock the front door or activate your intruder alarm systems? You may even have arrived home to find that you forgot to set your alarm, or left a door unlocked. In the meantime, you could have been targeted by burglars.

With modern, smart security technology, there is less need to worry about your own errors. Remote access and monitoring gives you control over your security systems wherever you are, so if you have that funny feeling that you forgot to lock up or set your alarms, you can check and correct this with a few simple steps on your mobile phone.


Another way that smart systems help to create a safer and more secure home is automation. Integrating smart security devices into smart home systems allows for security lights to be programmed to turn on at the same time each day, or lights and blinds to be operated at the same times each day whilst you are away, providing the impression that you are at home.

Automation is also an excellent solution for human error. For example, should you forget to lock your door behind you when you leave the house, smart locks can be programmed to automatically lock after a certain period of time. 

Real time security alerts

If you are worried that even with remote control of your security systems that you may not remember to check on your home, another key advantage is that your smart security systems can send you real-time alerts 

As well as alerting you of your own human error, smart security systems can also send you alerts for a range of other things. For example, if someone comes to your door or close to your house, your smart doorbell can pick this up and security cameras can capture footage so you can check if there is a security risk to your home or not, without having to head home. 

No more false alarms

With older security systems, you may experience false alarms every now and again, which can be frightening for you, as well as irritating to your neighbours if you are not at home to stop the alarm. Smart security systems feature sophisticated technologies that practically cut out all false alarms, but in the event that you do receive a security alert, with remote monitoring and CCTV surveillance, you can quickly assess whether there is a security threat or not, and reset your security alarms remotely if you need to.

Harder to disable

Modern smart security technology is certainly much more user friendly to homeowners, but is much harder to disable for intruders when there are multiple elements, from smart locks, to CCTV and intruder alarm systems, all of which are linked wirelessly. This means that intruders cannot simply disable alarms and cut off communication by cutting cables. Should anyone attempt to tamper with your home security system, not only will you be notified, but many smart systems are also monitored centrally, so an alarm will always be raised.

Lower insurance premiums

When you consider that installing smart security into your home can help to reduce insurance premiums, and that stronger security helps to reduce the risks of burglary, you can stand to save money in the long term. 

smart home security

Smart Home Security Installation

To get the most benefit from a smart security system, it’s always a good idea to invest in professional installation from experienced smart home specialists. Smart home specialists ensure that all smart security devices are installed correctly, integrated with smart control systems and programmed to meet your needs.

Veritais specialise in providing complete security systems, including intruder alarms, CCTV, perimeter protection, smart door locks, and gate and door entry systems, all integrated into a single control system.

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