If you live in the countryside or spend a lot of your time outdoors you’ll need a jacket that’s up to the job. Whether you will be taking part in country pursuits like shooting or fishing, or just enjoy spending time outside, you can’t go wrong with a country jacket. Designed to stand up to the wind, rain and cold weather, and styled with pockets to keep your essentials to hand, these coats are an essential part of your outerwear wardrobe, but how do you know which to choose? Below is some information on country jackets and the different styles available to assist you in your search. 

Getting the right fit 

One of the most difficult tasks when shopping online for clothing is finding something that will fit. Too big and you’ll give the cold air a chance to get in and too small and you might not fit your winter clothing underneath. One general rule when choosing country jackets is to choose a size that is one larger than you would normally wear for clothing. This allows you to have space for your base and mid layers when layering up for the cold weather. 

Some brands will make their jackets more of a relaxed fit to allow for layering, but if you’re not sure check out the online size guide and comments from other purchasers in case the item tends to come up larger or smaller than sized. 

Getting the right material 

If you’re going to be spending a lot of time wearing your country jacket, you’ll want to make sure it’s made of the right material to suit your lifestyle. Typically country jackets can be quilted to allow for warmth, wax or Gore-Tex coated to provide waterproof qualities. Before you choose a coat, think about where you will be spending your outdoor time, how long you will need to wear your coat and whether you need to be able to go out in any weather. 

Getting something practical 

When researching new jackets, consider what you’ll be doing when wearing yours. Will you be walking the dog, going on a hike, taking part in a shoot or going about your day to day job? Knowing what you’ll need to keep in your pockets from valuables to dog poop bags or spare cartridges will help determine the size and amount of the pockets you’ll need. If you need to store valuables, consider a jacket with zip pockets, or if you’ll need to keep cartridges to hand, choose a jacket with drainage holes in the pockets to stop them from filling up with water on a rainy day. 

Tips for choosing a men’s country jacket 

mens country jacket
Schoffel mens jacket


  • Consider the length of jacket you will need –  a long length will be best suited if you’ll be outside for long periods of time, but shorter jackets provide better movement for field sports and outdoor activities. 
  • Hood or no hood? If you need a coat that will protect you against the elements, consider choosing one with a hood. 
  • Think about colour to help you coordinate with your wardrobe. If there is a dress code for your field sport or place or work you’ll need to take that into account. 

Tips for choosing a ladies country jacket 

womens country jacket
Schoffel ladies jacket


  • Consider buying a size up from your normal clothing size to allow extra space for winter layering.  
  • If you need to be out in all weathers and don’t want your head or hair getting wet, choose a ladies country jacket with a hood. 
  • Think about the colour of jacket you’ll need to match your other outdoor clothing and accessories. 
  • A long coat could be just what you need for a day’s riding or walking, but a shorter coat will give you the movement you need to take part in outdoor activities and sports. 

Finding a jacket that is dependable, that can see you through the British seasons and that will withstand the worst the weather can throw at you is an absolute must to spend time outdoors comfortably. Browse country jackets at your leisure at Roxtons, the online and in-store retailer of country clothing. 

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